Sunday, April 10, 2011

topic proposal

Alex Miranda
English 102-Cline
Topic Blog Proposal

This book written by Margaret Atwood is a story that has to be paid full attention too. This story that captures your attention by her unique writing style that at many times leaves us thinking what next to read of this book or what have we just read not nearly understanding the full text. In my blog proposal my question is why does she want to be with someone when she’s lying in bed with Luke? Her comment referred as making a sound running her finger down the glass and saying that she wants to be with someone? This is the start of chapter 18 where I don’t really understand this when she’s lying in bed pregnant with her lover.
I will have to read further in this text to fully understand this or I will have to do some kind of further researching in order for me to understand this. The whole story is really weird and it takes me time in order to understand this text. The reading of this book changes at times which really gets me lost at times and later on I feel that I get the text.
I chose this topic question because I feel this will make me fully understand not only this chapter but the whole story itself. Though reading this I do see that some type of brainwashing is ongoing which causes me to have many questions of this story. My further researching I feel will help me get a better picture of this and answer all of my questions to get my conclusion

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My goals

Alex Miranda
Laura Cline
English 102-outline
27 March 2011
My goals

When it comes to English class I have so many things I need to improve as an English writer. Throughout the years I always find myself struggling in an English class in some way that makes me want to quit. This semester English 102 has not been any easier with all the reading, blog post and literary analysis we have to write about. All this work for me is a great challenge that I find exciting to work on only knowing it will help me improve on my English skills.
The readings in this class are very interesting and I find fun to read. The Sandstorm and The Things They Carried are two books that are very interesting how they relate to each other when it comes to war. These two books have much information when it comes to doing an outline or a literary analysis. I don’t mind reading the books but, when it comes to this I find it very hard since I’m not good at it. To me I feel that this is something major I have to get better at fast. I feel that all these points that I have lost in recent assignments have been due to the lack of good work I turn in when it comes to a literary analysis. I feel that literary analysis is good for us when it comes to describing or writing of a book we have been reading. I’m not a big fan of this type of work but, I always find the way to do the assignment when it is asked for.
Coming into this semester I knew that my English 102 would be the most challenging of my classes knowing that I wasn’t good at writing. This has been a great test especially with all the writing we do in this class. I feel that I have improved a little but, I am nowhere near the level of expectation that my English teacher requires.
My goals for this semester is to one not only get a passing grade but, refine my reading, writing, and thinking skills. I want to be able to write a paper with not knowing I will be challenged and be mentally broken down. This is a big test that I have had this semester of having a passing grade and still I am not happy of my results in this class. I’ve always been an average student in the past years. Today I stand with a average grade in my English class and I would like to improve that knowing that, college English is much more important and this is what will be looked at if I ever try getting a job. I know how important this class can be towards a degree and as well as my future.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Alex Miranda
English 102
The Sandstorm
by Sean Huze
Sean Huze’s book “The Sandstorm” is a very emotional and sentimental piece of writing. Throughout the play, soldiers in the Iraqi war face problems ranging from losing men to dealing with the consequences from the actions that they chose or are forced to partake in. One of the most memorable parts of the play is when Sergeant Damond was assigned to be in charge of traffic stops outside of Al Kut. During his 30 hour shift, he became frustrated and exhausted due to the heat and his lack of sleep. Eventually, he lost himself as he began to kick and beat the life of an innocent Iraqi man. Although he knew that he did not have a single justifiable reason to beat the man, he explains that he did not feel bad or regretful. The war had brainwashed him and made him feel so frustrated that he no longer cared for those who were not in the same position as himself. This is very hurtful to hear that the war can completely change a person’s personality, emotions, and even morals. It is an eye opener for the American citizens that once a soldier enters war, their entire lives from that point on is changed completely and the person almost becomes brainwashed. War becomes the only thing they know. I, as an American citizen, feel more appreciative for those fighting in the Iraqi war. I believe that even though some people may not believe in war, every American citizen should 100% support those who are giving up their lives for our country.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

things they carried visual

the things they carried

“The things they carried”
The chapter starts out describing the men of Vietnam and talks about they carried and valued the most. Lieutenant Jimmy Cross has many things he carries including the lives of his men that walk through the land of a war zone. This lieutenant carries a great amount of responsibility by being the top guy. Many of his men also carry things with them that include being superstitious and things they value very much.
The stuff men carry has to do with their priorities mostly. They also carried personal stuff like a picture of their loved ones. Some men for example carried marijuana, tobacco and chewing gum for their personal use, they all used this in a form of relaxation while at war. Others carried the letters of a girl who he loved and admired, men became so superstitious that they carried the pantyhose of their girls around their neck. Covers from back home for example a poncho where also brought to keep the men warm through the nights and the cold rain. Pain relievers, band aids, and pain relievers had to be carried as well for minor injuries as well. The men in the front line couldn’t carry as much as they want, also because they had their m-16 assault rifles with them which was their main tool.
These men lives their days not knowing what was next and frightened they wouldn’t make it back home to their loves ones. They kept their attitudes positive and marched through the villages. Men where lost at the bunches and didn’t make it out of the bad hostile area. The things they carried where the small amount of valuables that they died with. Valuables and their guns are what represented these brave men in the front line. These men in the first chapter where described as the things they carried.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

poetry visual and link



Two poems that stood out to me are very similar in a way and different meanings. These are two poems that have a very strong meaning to the writer and impact the audience who read this. “Photograph from September 11”, and “Letter composed during a lull in the fighting” are great poems that have very strong meanings to them. Great poems like these two we can all relate too and bring emotion to many.
Photograph from September 11 is a poem that we can all relate to this being a horrible black day that brought a great scare to America. We all remember that day like if it had happen a couple hours ago. The writer of this poem describes in unique lines what horrible stuff was going on. She describes how lives are just being thrown out the window and splattered blood all over the place. This to me brought some emotion to me just remembering how hundreds of loved ones where lost that day.
Another great poem is “letter composed during a lull in the fighting”. Kevin Powers writes this poem of how much meaning his weapon is describing it through a loved one. He talks about “Her” as someone he loves and his weapon he goes to war with. To my knowledge these are the most valuable thing and person he has. Many of us have loved ones that we adore and also have stuff we love. Human beings have strong feelings that can easily become hurt though this writer finds more love for his weapon instead of the person which, to me this tells me that war can emotionally ruin a person’s life.
These two poems are very strong emotion wise and can truly bring a tear to a person. Two great poems that caught my attention and many of us can relate too in many ways. These two poems express harsh feelings that speak the truth in an emotional way and make the audience think of what this world we live in has really become into a fighting zone.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

links and visual Sam Hamill

Sam Hamill

Hamill/ The necessity to speak

Sam Hamill perhaps a great person in some people’s eyes and others can see him as the bad person. He was born in 1942 and abandoned in northern Utah where he spent his years in an orphanage during world war two. He was later adopted by a farm family of Utah where he spent his adolescent years that don’t mark a good history on him. Those bad years he was in and out of jails till he decided to join the Marine Corps. He joined the marines not too be a war fighter but too teach of what he knew best. He also taught at schools and different kinds of people and prisons where he shared what he had lived and the meaning of life.

The necessity to speak was a great story of his that talks about life in being the necessity to speak out. He talks about life and his life in his writing as being something that is an everyday job on whatever we do or happens. Life as he talks in his own words that it’s the meaning of making other people laugh, enjoy of what life is all about. But he also talks about life being a harsh environment and most of the time not being fair to us. There are very many bad people that live out in the world that don’t have a sense of humor or just don’t care about people or stuff. Killing is an everyday process that happens and many human beings get killed.
As Mr. Hamill talks in his life story this world is full of bad people and cells are getting overcrowded. He can relate to this in many ways because of actually spending time in jail and now being a teacher at prisons. He also that there are pleasantly fifteen hundred people alone in the united states awaiting death row which is a great amount. He talks about this world being full of violence and us society paying the price for it with the tax paying for jails which costs much money to run them. Mr. Hamill being a poet, writer and a teacher talks about a little of his own experience and what this world is which many of us can say it’s a catastrophe.

Friday, January 28, 2011


good readers and Good writers

                                   Good readers and good writers
     Many readers are readers but it doesn’t mean that they are good readers or writers. According to Vladimir Nabokov the good reader has all of these working for him, a good imagination, memory, a mind of a dictionary, and some artistic sense.  Those are some of the many that Vladimir Nabokov talked about in his article of what good readers and writers are. Not only having these good characteristics help us become good but, being able to have a patience and time has to do with whether we master the art of reading and writing.
    Being a good reader and writer is something that is not easy in my opinion. It takes time and dedication to be able to become somewhat successful. Yeah I say somewhat successful because I feel that becoming a master of this has to do with a little bit of how much gifted you are. Some people in my mind are born smart and others like me have to work at it. I can say that I can agree with Nabokov with most of his point of view. For example the reader should be part of a book club in order to help our reading skills I can agree with, but having an imagination or having a mind like a dictionary I will have to go against. Not many people are that gifted and can memorize stuff like that. I believe that the characteristics that are talked about in this article are what a good reader needs in order to be successful. In my mind I consider myself a below average reader and writer especially English being my second language. I will admit that I have gotten better but I am far from where I would like to be at.