Sunday, February 20, 2011

things they carried visual

the things they carried

“The things they carried”
The chapter starts out describing the men of Vietnam and talks about they carried and valued the most. Lieutenant Jimmy Cross has many things he carries including the lives of his men that walk through the land of a war zone. This lieutenant carries a great amount of responsibility by being the top guy. Many of his men also carry things with them that include being superstitious and things they value very much.
The stuff men carry has to do with their priorities mostly. They also carried personal stuff like a picture of their loved ones. Some men for example carried marijuana, tobacco and chewing gum for their personal use, they all used this in a form of relaxation while at war. Others carried the letters of a girl who he loved and admired, men became so superstitious that they carried the pantyhose of their girls around their neck. Covers from back home for example a poncho where also brought to keep the men warm through the nights and the cold rain. Pain relievers, band aids, and pain relievers had to be carried as well for minor injuries as well. The men in the front line couldn’t carry as much as they want, also because they had their m-16 assault rifles with them which was their main tool.
These men lives their days not knowing what was next and frightened they wouldn’t make it back home to their loves ones. They kept their attitudes positive and marched through the villages. Men where lost at the bunches and didn’t make it out of the bad hostile area. The things they carried where the small amount of valuables that they died with. Valuables and their guns are what represented these brave men in the front line. These men in the first chapter where described as the things they carried.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

poetry visual and link



Two poems that stood out to me are very similar in a way and different meanings. These are two poems that have a very strong meaning to the writer and impact the audience who read this. “Photograph from September 11”, and “Letter composed during a lull in the fighting” are great poems that have very strong meanings to them. Great poems like these two we can all relate too and bring emotion to many.
Photograph from September 11 is a poem that we can all relate to this being a horrible black day that brought a great scare to America. We all remember that day like if it had happen a couple hours ago. The writer of this poem describes in unique lines what horrible stuff was going on. She describes how lives are just being thrown out the window and splattered blood all over the place. This to me brought some emotion to me just remembering how hundreds of loved ones where lost that day.
Another great poem is “letter composed during a lull in the fighting”. Kevin Powers writes this poem of how much meaning his weapon is describing it through a loved one. He talks about “Her” as someone he loves and his weapon he goes to war with. To my knowledge these are the most valuable thing and person he has. Many of us have loved ones that we adore and also have stuff we love. Human beings have strong feelings that can easily become hurt though this writer finds more love for his weapon instead of the person which, to me this tells me that war can emotionally ruin a person’s life.
These two poems are very strong emotion wise and can truly bring a tear to a person. Two great poems that caught my attention and many of us can relate too in many ways. These two poems express harsh feelings that speak the truth in an emotional way and make the audience think of what this world we live in has really become into a fighting zone.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

links and visual Sam Hamill

Sam Hamill

Hamill/ The necessity to speak

Sam Hamill perhaps a great person in some people’s eyes and others can see him as the bad person. He was born in 1942 and abandoned in northern Utah where he spent his years in an orphanage during world war two. He was later adopted by a farm family of Utah where he spent his adolescent years that don’t mark a good history on him. Those bad years he was in and out of jails till he decided to join the Marine Corps. He joined the marines not too be a war fighter but too teach of what he knew best. He also taught at schools and different kinds of people and prisons where he shared what he had lived and the meaning of life.

The necessity to speak was a great story of his that talks about life in being the necessity to speak out. He talks about life and his life in his writing as being something that is an everyday job on whatever we do or happens. Life as he talks in his own words that it’s the meaning of making other people laugh, enjoy of what life is all about. But he also talks about life being a harsh environment and most of the time not being fair to us. There are very many bad people that live out in the world that don’t have a sense of humor or just don’t care about people or stuff. Killing is an everyday process that happens and many human beings get killed.
As Mr. Hamill talks in his life story this world is full of bad people and cells are getting overcrowded. He can relate to this in many ways because of actually spending time in jail and now being a teacher at prisons. He also that there are pleasantly fifteen hundred people alone in the united states awaiting death row which is a great amount. He talks about this world being full of violence and us society paying the price for it with the tax paying for jails which costs much money to run them. Mr. Hamill being a poet, writer and a teacher talks about a little of his own experience and what this world is which many of us can say it’s a catastrophe.