Sunday, March 27, 2011

My goals

Alex Miranda
Laura Cline
English 102-outline
27 March 2011
My goals

When it comes to English class I have so many things I need to improve as an English writer. Throughout the years I always find myself struggling in an English class in some way that makes me want to quit. This semester English 102 has not been any easier with all the reading, blog post and literary analysis we have to write about. All this work for me is a great challenge that I find exciting to work on only knowing it will help me improve on my English skills.
The readings in this class are very interesting and I find fun to read. The Sandstorm and The Things They Carried are two books that are very interesting how they relate to each other when it comes to war. These two books have much information when it comes to doing an outline or a literary analysis. I don’t mind reading the books but, when it comes to this I find it very hard since I’m not good at it. To me I feel that this is something major I have to get better at fast. I feel that all these points that I have lost in recent assignments have been due to the lack of good work I turn in when it comes to a literary analysis. I feel that literary analysis is good for us when it comes to describing or writing of a book we have been reading. I’m not a big fan of this type of work but, I always find the way to do the assignment when it is asked for.
Coming into this semester I knew that my English 102 would be the most challenging of my classes knowing that I wasn’t good at writing. This has been a great test especially with all the writing we do in this class. I feel that I have improved a little but, I am nowhere near the level of expectation that my English teacher requires.
My goals for this semester is to one not only get a passing grade but, refine my reading, writing, and thinking skills. I want to be able to write a paper with not knowing I will be challenged and be mentally broken down. This is a big test that I have had this semester of having a passing grade and still I am not happy of my results in this class. I’ve always been an average student in the past years. Today I stand with a average grade in my English class and I would like to improve that knowing that, college English is much more important and this is what will be looked at if I ever try getting a job. I know how important this class can be towards a degree and as well as my future.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Alex Miranda
English 102
The Sandstorm
by Sean Huze
Sean Huze’s book “The Sandstorm” is a very emotional and sentimental piece of writing. Throughout the play, soldiers in the Iraqi war face problems ranging from losing men to dealing with the consequences from the actions that they chose or are forced to partake in. One of the most memorable parts of the play is when Sergeant Damond was assigned to be in charge of traffic stops outside of Al Kut. During his 30 hour shift, he became frustrated and exhausted due to the heat and his lack of sleep. Eventually, he lost himself as he began to kick and beat the life of an innocent Iraqi man. Although he knew that he did not have a single justifiable reason to beat the man, he explains that he did not feel bad or regretful. The war had brainwashed him and made him feel so frustrated that he no longer cared for those who were not in the same position as himself. This is very hurtful to hear that the war can completely change a person’s personality, emotions, and even morals. It is an eye opener for the American citizens that once a soldier enters war, their entire lives from that point on is changed completely and the person almost becomes brainwashed. War becomes the only thing they know. I, as an American citizen, feel more appreciative for those fighting in the Iraqi war. I believe that even though some people may not believe in war, every American citizen should 100% support those who are giving up their lives for our country.